Apply for an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation International Climate Protection Fellowship if you are engaged in academic or practical work related to climate protection or climate-relevant resource conservation in your native country, which is a non-European developing or transition country.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants potential leaders up to fifteen International Climate Protection Fellowships annually, and postdoctoral researchers up to five of these fellowships. Funding for the scholarships comes from the International Climate Initiative. In 2022, the Initiative (IKI) was transferred to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV), with which the IKI program was founded, collaborate.
Host Country | Germany |
Host Institute | Universities, Research institutes, NGOs/Think Tanks/Consulting agencies in Germany |
Level | Prospective leaders and postdocs with climate expertise |
Eligible Nationality | Non-European developing and transition countries |
No. of Fellowships | 20 |
Fellowship Type | Fully Funded |
Benefits | €2,700/month, |
Duration | 12–24-month |
Closing Date | 1 February 2025 |
As part of your fellowship, if you are a prospective leader, you will complete a one-year research project in Germany; if you are a postdoc, your work will involve long-term academic research (12-24 months). It should concentrate on halting climate change, developing adaptation plans, protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, or using the seas and oceans sustainably. Natural resource-related, resource-efficient, and urban development-related sustainability issues are also appreciated.
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Each year, up to fifteen International Climate Protection Fellowships are awarded to aspiring leaders and five to postdoctoral scholars. The International Climate Initiative is the source of funding for the fellowships. In 2022, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) took over the management of the Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), with which the IKI program was founded, and the Federal Foreign Office work together.
Table of Contents
Benefits of the International Climate Protection Fellowship
The following are the benefits of the International Climate Protection Fellowship:
- a fellowship in the program line for aspiring leaders, worth €2,200, €2,500, or €2,700 per month, contingent upon training and career level; a monthly fellowship for €2,700 under the postdoctoral researcher’s program, which will provide you with individual support while you are in Germany.
- additional funding, such as for a German language course, travel fees, full private health insurance, or family members who are traveling with you
- a three-week orientation program where you can meet colleagues interested in climate protection, see companies and research facilities, and go to German cultural events
- broad support from alumni, especially to maintain enduring relationships with your German cooperative partners for the remainder of your professional career
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- examine issues in the engineering or natural sciences, or deal with the social, legal, medical, or economic ramifications of climate change.
- are a citizen of one of the developing or transitioning non-European nations (see list of nations, PDF), and you have been residing and working there primarily
- possess the necessary leadership abilities and firsthand experience in a leadership position.
- possess an excellent command of German and/or English
Furthermore, as a potential leader or postdoctoral researcher, you satisfy the following criteria:
Prospective Leaders
Did you finish your first degree within the last 12 years (a bachelor’s degree or something similar; the application deadline is on February 1st)? Have you worked in your field for a long time—at least 48 months—when the application deadline approaches? Apply for an International Climate Protection Fellowship if that is the case.
Postdoctoral Researchers
Postdoctoral researchers apply for an International Climate Protection Fellowship if:
- Did you finish your first-degree program within the last 12 years (the application deadline is February 1st)?
- you have completed your first-degree program within the last 12 years (the application deadline is February 1st)
- by the application deadline of February 1st, you have completed your PhD no earlier than four years ago, or you will complete it by 31 August of the respective selection year
- you have published in scholarly journals and through publishing houses that follow worldwide publication standards for review.
Documents/Material Required to Apply
- investigation-based project: Before applying, describe the project you have created and agreed upon with your desired host. Remember that the following factors are crucial in the selecting process: a strong method selection; a feasible and clear emphasis; applicability to the domains of climate protection or climate-relevant resource conservation; viability of carrying out the project at the selected host institution; and workability of the communication plan
- comprehensive declaration that includes your host in Germany’s affirmation of support
- two recommendation letters (not older than a year) from people who can tell you about your academic, career, and/or personal history
The International Climate Protection Fellowship application deadline is 1 February 2025.
Application Procedure
To apply for the International Climate Protection Fellowship, kindly submit the required application materials solely online to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. It is advisable that you consult your selected academic host about the specifics of your self-developed research project before submitting your application.
Links to the statements and recommendation letters can be uploaded through the online application form. If at all feasible, please forward these links to the appropriate parties. Upon receipt of the necessary documents, the institution will promptly dispatch a confirmation email to you.
For more details and to apply for the International Climate Protection Fellowship, visit here.
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