One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates in Germany

International students and researchers can apply for a variety of grants from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), including “One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates.”

Correction: The research grant duration is Four Years, not one year.

Host CountryGermany
Host InstituteA state or state-recognized institution of higher education in Germany or a non-university research institute in Germany
Eligible NationalityAll
Fellowship TypeResearch Fellowship
Benefits1,300 euros per month + Allowances
Closing DateNovember 15, 2024
Summary of One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates in Germany

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One-Year DAAD Research Grants are intended to assist international PhD candidates and students who wish to work on their dissertations in Germany for up to a year. The investigation must take place at a German university or research facility and should be relevant to the candidate’s doctoral thesis.

One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates in Germany
One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates in Germany

Benefits of One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates

Following are the benefits and financial advantages of the One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students:

  • 1,300 euros paid each month.
  • Insurance premiums for health, accident, and liability
  • Allowance for travel, unless the cost is covered by the home nation or another financial source.
  • One-time research allowance (for all other countries, the award is € 260; if you are from a DAC nation, you will receive a fixed rate of € 460)
  • You may be eligible to apply for the following extra benefits following the start of financing in certain situations:
    • monthly allowance for accompanying family members
    • rent subsidy
    • If you have a disability or a chronic condition, you can get help to pay for extra expenses that come with it but aren’t covered by other sources of financing.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates, the candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Candidates can apply for One-Year DAAD Research Grants if they
    • are already enrolled in doctoral programs. or
    • are not currently enrolled in a doctorate program and have earned a Master’s, Diplom, or, in rare circumstances, a Bachelor’s degree by the start of the financing period.
  • Less than six years should have passed since the candidates’ graduation from high school.
  • The rule that the commencement of your Ph.D. shouldn’t have been more than three years ago still holds true if you have already begun.
  • Other rules apply to candidates who work in the fields of human medicine, veterinary medicine, and dentistry.
  • The applicant’s study goals and the subject will determine the necessary language proficiency: At the very least, a good command of German is typically anticipated in the humanities, social sciences, and law. If English is the primary language at the host institute, evidence of strong English language proficiency may also be acceptable for the natural sciences and engineering.
  • If you had been a resident of Germany for more than 15 months at the time of the application deadline, your application could not be taken into consideration.

Documents/Material Required to Apply

The DAAD portal accepts non-certified scans of certificates, evidence of credits, certifications, and translations. The DAAD has the right to demand certified copies of the paperwork. Following are the documents to apply for One-Year DAAD Research Grants for PhD Students and Candidates in Germany that need to be uploaded on the DAAD portal:

  • Online application form
  • A whole resume in tabular format (maximum 3 pages)
  • If applicable, a list of your publications (maximum 10 pages)
  • Your proposed project in Germany should be explained in terms of both your intellectual and personal motivations (letter of motivation: 1-2 pages).
  • A proposal that you have written and developed yourself, as well as a summary of prior research (10 pages maximum overall).
  • Planned research work schedule
  • Confirmation from your German academic host; The confirmation must mention your project and attest to the host institute’s commitment to giving you a workspace.
  • Certificate of graduation from a university with the grade(s) earned.
  • Translations of documents filed in the national language into German or English.
  • Proof of acceptance into the doctoral program at the home university, if the candidate plans to pursue a doctorate there.

Deadline for One-Year DAAD Research Grants

  • Every year in the second quarter, application deadlines are revised. They are typically in the same time frame as the prior year. Here are the most recent dates:15.11.2024
  • The selection committee will render a decision by April 1, 2025, at the latest.

Application Procedure

From June until the specified application deadline, applicants may submit applications for the One-Year DAAD Research Grants program. Visit the DAAD portal by clicking on “Application portal” below. There, you will find an online application form where you may enter your application information. There

  1. Create a DAAD portal account.
  2. Request References
    In the DAAD Portal, click “Request reference” to produce the reference form as an editable PDF. Ask your referee to fill out the form completely and email it back to you. To the application address, the referee might mail the form themselves.
  3. Making an online DAAD Portal Application
    • Download and complete the online application form
    • Prepare the application materials
    • Unless they are already in English or German, translate documents if necessary.
    • Documents on paper should be scanned and saved in PDF format (references excluded).
    • The application form must be sent along with any other required documents in PDF format to the portal.
  4. Sending application documents by post
    1. References must be delivered to the application site (see tab “Application procedure”) in a sealed, unopened envelope.
    2. Applicants from non-EU countries: Please remember to include a detailed description of the contents of your postal shipment in the documents you submit to the customs officials, such as “Application documents for scholarship (contains no commercial goods, no merchandise, or insurable value)”.

For more details about One-Year DAAD Research Grants, visit the DAAD Scholarships official website.

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