Uppsala University Scholarships for International Students in Sweden

Numerous Uppsala University scholarships are available each year to international fee-paying Bachelor’s or Master’s students. The full cost of tuition is covered by these scholarships.

Host CountrySweden
Host InstituteUppsala University
Eligible NationalityEU/Non-EU
BenefitsFull Tuition Fee
DurationDepends upon the field chosen
Closing Date16 January 2025 to 3 February 2025
Summary of the Uppsala University Scholarships
Uppsala University Scholarships for International
Uppsala University Scholarships for International

Uppsala University Scholarships

Some of the Uppsala University scholarships are available to all nationals of countries outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, while other scholarships are exclusively available to nationals of specific nations.

Anders Wall’s Scholarship

  • Scholarship Value: Cover the full cost of tuition fees
  • Study Level: Bachelor’s or Master’s program
  • Eligible Nationality: Citizens of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Tunisia, and Uganda

Uppsala University Global Scholarship

Scholarship Value: Cover the full cost of tuition fees
Study Level: Master’s program
Eligible Nationality: Citizens of a country outside of the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

Uppsala University President’s Club Scholarship

Scholarship Value: Cover the full cost of tuition fees
Study Level: Master’s program
Eligible Nationality: Citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland

The King Carl Gustaf Scholarship

Scholarship Value: Cover the full cost of tuition fees
Study Level: Master’s program
Eligible Nationality: Citizens of Afghanistan, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen

General Eligibility Criteria

Uppsala University scholarship requirements may differ depending on the scholarship type. However, in general, the candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

  • You must be a national of a nation other than Switzerland, the EU, or the EEA.
  • You must exhibit academic aptitude and a desire to participate in educational activities.
  • You had to submit your application for the Master’s program before the deadline for university admissions.
  • You must be able to enroll in the Master’s program for which you applied. You must submit all required supporting documentation together with your application fee to University Admissions prior to the deadline.

Free University of Amsterdam Scholarships for International Students in the Netherlands

Join USA and Canada Scholarships & Fellowships Facebook Group for more updates

How to Apply

Applications for Bachelor’s or Master’s programs and for Uppsala University scholarships must be submitted separately.

Step -1: You must first submit an application to one of Uppsala University’s foreign Bachelor’s or Master’s programs at universityadmissions.se as your top priority before you can submit an application for scholarships from Uppsala University.

You will receive a personal application number with eight numbers after submitting your application at universityadmissions.se. Keep the number handy since you’ll need it to apply for one of our scholarships.

Step 2: Submit an application for the Uppsala University scholarships by the deadline. The following details ought to be in your application:

  • your personal information
  • the Uppsala University Bachelor’s or Master’s program that you apply for as your top choice,
  • Which scholarship program(s) you are submitting an application for,
  • the unique application ID you were given by universityadmissions.se
  • motivational letter explaining why you should be awarded the scholarship

During the scholarship application period, which runs from 16 January 2025 to 3 February 2025, you can access the application here.

*There is no application fee for the scholarships offered by Uppsala University.

Application Deadline

The deadline to apply for the Uppsala University scholarships is 3 February 2025, at 23:59 CET (Central European Time). Please keep the time zone in mind. Applications submitted after the cutoff date won’t be reviewed.

Join European Union Fully Funded Scholarships Facebook group to explore latest scholarship opportunities

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